As I said multiple times on this blog, the only decent newspaper worth reading in the UK is the Daily Telegraph. You would not believe my shock when I went on the Telegraph website a few days back and found this. The title of said article really says it all: "Court bans man with low IQ from having sex". This adult human being has been restricted - the government's goons will now monitor the inside of his house 24/7 to see that he follows the court ruling. This poor guy was in a homosexual relationship at the time and is quoted as saying that the relationship makes him feel happy. Apparently one of his problems is that he has a vigorous sex drive and doesn't know the dangers sex poses (i.e. pregnancy). So what can we learn from this precedent?
Well, I think we should put a camera in the bedroom of every 14 year old! In England teenage pregnancy figures happen to be the extremely high - maybe all those children don't know the consequences of their actions? And believe me, low IQ has nothing to do with having a vigorous sex drive, little teenagers suffer from that more than anyone. I therefore posit that such a law is passed immediately! We also need to conduct mandatory IQ tests for every person in the country and if they fall below a certain line - let's say 60 - we ban them from having sex forever!
I think I don't have to mention this ruling not only legitimizes the existence of a Police State, but also legitimizes eugenics. The said Telegraph article also mentions on what basis this man is being abused: "Under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, its judges have the power to make life or death decisions for people deemed to lack the intelligence to make them for themselves – such as ordering that they undergo surgery, have forced abortions, have life-support switched off or be forced to use contraception." Obviously eugenics has been brought in through the back door. We can now perform abortions and euthanize people who we deem "mentally unstable" or whatever. Life and death decisions at the whim of bureaucrats. This is disgusting beyond belief.
It is clear to me that in this modern "civilized" world we have replaced natural selection with eugenics. It is eugenics to prevent this man from enjoying his freedom just in case he might get someone pregnant (which seems silly considering he is a homosexual...). But it was also eugenics-policy to keep this man alive in government-provided housing and force general taxpayers to pay for his survival. I have been a long-time follower of the doctrines of Darwin and Spencer, and their position is best summed up in the following quote from Sir Francis Galton: "One of the effects of civilisation is to diminish the rigour of the application of the law of natural selection. It preserves weakly lives that would have perished in barbarous lands."
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