Monday 26 April 2010

Public Healthcare revisited...

On a funny note, I am going tell a little anecdote I am borrowing from the ever-wise and genius Janusz Korwin-Mikke:

Imagine three horses, two donkeys, and one zebra being harnessed to one carriage. The driver then proceeds to take his seat, invites the passengers in, and sets off. Now this carriage is never going to be able to travel properly! Even if all the animals are well trained and work their best, it's not going to work. The physical differences between them are just too vast.
Now - who is the person responsible for this abysmal failure? The amiable and hardworking animals, the helpless passengers, or the idiot why put this whole venture together?

The responsibility is, of course, borne by the politicians (the people who arranged the whole system) not by the medical professionals or the customers forced to act within the unworkable system. This is pretty much how every government venture works, whether it is the railways, the hospitals, or the education system.

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