Monday 9 May 2011

Celebrating Murder (with Drinks...)

All the US has been in a celebratory mood over the death of Osama bin Laden, despite the fact his assassination was an unconstitutional and unlawful cold-blooded murder. Was this man evil according to my moral standards? Yes. Did this man deserve to die? Yes. But should he have been assassinated without even a chance at apprehension or trial? NO!
The day after Mr. bin Laden's assassination Glenn Beck of all people (everyone knows my opinion of Mr. Beck; let's just say it is not the very highest) made the best statement when he brought a marching band into his studio to mock and satirize the celebrations going on outside the White House after bin Laden's death had been announced. He mocked the unlawful assassination, but most of all he wanted to point out what seems to be a culture of death in America. It seems we cannot bring people together unless someone either dies or someone is killed. In fact of all the politics-oriented shows in America it seems that only Fox Channel's Beck and Judge Napolitano's Freedom Watch paid any attention to the real negative side of the events that just transpired. The only allies us right-libertarians had in this moment were the anti-war left (at least the ones who haven't been co-opted into the Democratic Party once Obama won his Presidency). Noam Chomsky wrote a couple great articles about the assassination from his anti-imperialist and pro-civil rights perspective.
What also worries me is that most of the so-called "experts" seem to think everything was A-OK! The government further encouraged conspiracy theorists to spring forth by destroying all possible evidence for bin Laden's death - they cast his body into the sea for no apparent reason. We also got excuse after excuse from the White House about why they killed him (he was supposedly armed, which we now know is a lie), why they will not release the photos of his body (supposedly they are too gruesome, and the movie "Saw" is not...?), and about why they buried him at sea (supposedly this is a Muslim custom, but this is also a pure bold-faced lie).
And, on a funny note, I loved the way all the television commentators talked about how they love the fact all the teenagers and college students are so united and excited about Osama's death. They spoke about how this brought all the young people together and they are all one big happy family! Guess what, as a college student in America I can tell you what Osama's death really was - it was an excuse to get drunk during exam week. Maybe most students will not admit this, but there were few people sober in the dormitories that night just because drinking is fun and killing bin Laden provided a convenient excuse. I live in a place where 5-6 universities are located and chanting "USA-USA" is just as loud during a sporting event as it was after this murder. And the amount of liquor consumed was about the same as well. So much for the media experts...


  1. As you say, "Glenn Beck OF ALL PEOPLE".

    Nice to see he was able to act and speak based on reason. I don't keep up with him but hopefully it's a trend.

  2. In general although I agree with what Mr. Beck has to say I consider him a populist pompous braggart. I do not think he takes what he says seriously and he probably just says it to gain an audience and "put on a show". In my opinion his character has done irreperable harm to the libertarian movement by making us (libertarians) look like self-righteous simpletons, whereas we are actually critical rationalists with strong moral convictions (someone Mr. Beck really isn't I don't think...).
