Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Alcohol tax - Discrimination?

The UK government (of which I happen to be a temporary slave) has just raised its alcohol tax by 2%. That is - now instead of paying £3 for my pint, I will have to pay £3.06! An extra 6 pence to the government which has spent its money like a drunken sailor (I am not trying to insult drunken sailors here; after all they spend their own money, not money they stole) and its coffers are completely empty.
The important question, however, is this: Why are only purchasers of alcohol being treated to the new tax? Is this not, to use their own democratic lingo, discriminatory?
The answer is: Of course it is! Why are only people who enjoy a drink or serve drinks being taxed?!
Aside from the fact that all taxation is morally indefensible, this taxation is particularly bad. If taxation is to be done, it should at least be uniform. But I guess no one has ever explained the meaning of fairness to the ruling classes (even though the rant on endlessly about "fairness" themselves). They try to justify this tax by saying alcohol is a very evil thing and the tax will make it more expensive so that fewer people buy it and less antisocial behaviour will occur. This is, of course, nonsensical. If alcohol was really evil we would be banned from drinking it just like we are banned from murdering out neighbours. Once again this is an example of glaring hypocrisy and attempted social engineering by a few self-righteous snobs (while also giving them money!). The truth is that if we had proper police the antisocial behaviour would be targeted and eliminated. Unfortunately here in the UK the police are scared of teenage girls (in some cases, so am I!, but I am not a policeman) and more interested in "promoting diversity and cooperation" than catching criminals.

I think I will pop out to the pub and have a nice cold lager before it becomes harder to afford...

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