Monday 26 July 2010

Three Cheers for Mr.Cameron! (The Young Monarchist is Back!)

Back in March I wrote about the British public debt and the need to reduce it drastically. Now we see that something is finally being done about it. PM David Cameron is getting rid of 40% of government employees (wow!). Finally it seems the breakthrough long known in medicine has reached the political economy sphere. If someone is sick, it is no reason to put leeches onto them. In fact, removing the leaches might do the organism a world of good. Any economy burdened by too many governmental leeches will fail. These people do nothing productive whatsoever; instead they take useful capital away from the private sector and relocate it (usually poorly) to wherever they want. From what I understand most Brits accept this until they themselves are affected directly or unless they are commies (readers of the Morning Star, etc.). Sadly this process is not taking place in the United States where socialists have control of both Congress and the White House. But again - congratulations to the Conservatives! At their victory I was worried that Thatcherism might be a thing of the past, but I see it has still retained enough potency to bring some sense into Tory reform.

I know the blog has been silent for over a month now. This was due to my move to America where I went on various awesome road trips and had a lot of other things on my mind. This month I making up for it; touring America can be very intellectually stimulating!

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