Wednesday, 1 September 2010


Is anything in the world simpler than understanding logic? Apparently most things are. The sheer amount of people I meet who either do not understand basic logical reasoning or fail to accept its outcomes is staggering. There are very few rules one needs to comprehend and accept in order to consider every logical outcome valid (I am not going to get into a big debate here over David Hume and his interpretation of reasoning). First of all, conditional statements are key, so:

If A, then B.

And from there it's just a tiny step to real deductive reasoning:

If A, then B.
If B, then C.
Therefore: If A, then C.

Simple stuff! Let's use a real life example:

If the US Congress enacts bail-outs, then the Federal Reserve prints money.
If the Federal Reserve prints money, then inflation is created.
Therefore: If the US Congress enacts bail-outs, then inflation is created.

Logic is man's greatest tool. Reason is what separates us from animals. People should know that the best reason to follow such movements as the Austrian School of Economics or Spencer's Social Darwinism is that they are deeply logical. And that which has foundations in correct logic based on good principles is infallible.

As Ayn Rand said: "There are only two means by which men can deal with one another: guns or logic. Force or persuasion. Those who know that they cannot win by means of logic, have always resorted to guns."
And so I say: where there is logic - there is no need for guns.

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