Monday, 22 November 2010

American Fascism

Americans fail to acknowledge the fact they no longer live in a Republic. They live in a sort of Fascist Federation. Fascism is the merger of state and corporation powers. I don't think anyone would dispute that the US is being run by corporate interests in Washington who form a permanent elite with the 'revolving door' keeping them and their cronies in power. Big banks, big-pharma, the military industrial complex - we live and breathe to support these guys. They really do not live to serve us, as they claim to do. The corporate welfare state that emerged after the 2008 mortgage crisis proves this. The average taxpayer bailed out Warren Buffett! That man is supposed to be good at business, not good at stealing our money! But we no longer consider this procedure stealing. It has become part of the legitimate political process. The government keep the big corporations running and they give the average Joe a job. Average Joe then pays the government obscenely high taxes and, voilĂ , these go right back into the pockets of his employers. We are being milked like cows. Mussolini at least had the decency to not lie about doing it. He wanted to create the new Fascist man. And the American elites keep telling us how "the American dream" is still possible and how we are all "free". At the same time they implement welfare programs which make the New Deal and the Great Society seem like toys in a sandbox opposed to an amusement park. Ronald Reagan once said: "Fascism was really the basis for the New Deal. It was Mussolini's success in Italy, with his government-directed economy, that led the early New Dealers to say 'But Mussolini keeps the trains running on time.'" And now it's still going on, just to a more extreme extent! I mean look at other characteristics of Fascism - militarism, imperialism, authoritarianism... All of these are abundant in America today. Soldiers are the most respected professionals in the country. The US invades everyone they don't like (or at least impose sanctions and embargoes). They have troops stationed in most countries of every continent. Mussolini, Hitler, Napoleon, Stalin, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan - none of these guys got even close to what Americans have achieved in terms of Empire-building.

And even if we don't believe Mussolini, who was the father of Fascism, on what Fascism is, we have to at least trust our own patriots and idols. I seem to remember Benjamin Franklin once said: "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." So, since everyone is voting themselves (i.e. in reality the corporations) money all the time now - the Republic is finished. And what system do we have here now? Democracy? Fascism? National Socialism? Someone would have to work pretty hard to convince me it's not one of those three (or all of them fused!).

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