Sunday, 2 January 2011

Monarchy and Crisis

In my last post I referenced His Highness Louis XV, the King of France and Navarre. Most opponents of my Monarchist views love to talk about the House of Bourbon and how it brought about the horrible conditions in France. They say this is absolutely proof of the terror and destruction Monarchies can unleash upon their own people. What they don't realize is that I also love to talk about those poor Capetians who ruled France. Why? Because their history shows us what happens when a Monarch brings about unfavorable conditions for the populace living on his private property. It proves that very important thesis, that "a bad Monarchy will inevitably bring about its own destruction". This, of course, applies to any system of government based on arbitrary rule, democracy included. So why would I advocate Monarchy over democracy? The answer is very simple! In a Monarchy when the King is a bad one, he is usually swiftly eliminated. He is killed either by unhappy plebeians, unhappy nobles, or unhappy members of his own dynasty. I would say that offers any ruler a strong incentive to act as he/she is supposed to act. In all the years of my studies of history I have never found any mention of a financial crisis under a normal system of law (a Monarchy, feudal system, or an anarchy). Meanwhile the last few hundred years (filled with dictatorships, "constitutional monarchies", and democracies) have been marred by countless financial debacles and problems of a grand scale previously unknown to mankind. A King would have been held accountable for any such problems. Therefore he knew better than to interfere with the basic rights of his subjects. Most medieval Kings, who are now portrayed as primitives of all sorts, had specialized (usually Jewish) financial advisers who overlooked all economic matters and kept the King's attention elsewhere. This was especially true in the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires.
And what about our "great" democracy? No personal responsibility of rulers. No incentive to act morally or honorably. Nothing preventing crisis after crisis after crisis all in a gigantic cesspool of corruption...
I therefore call upon all those people who are "practical". At least for the pragmatic reason of preventing crises, please endorse Monarchy! For once you democrats, be human!

"Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day." Il Duce himself said this once. And if anyone doubts that in single-ruler states the leader is always held accountable for his actions, I encourage people to read about his fate...

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