Friday, 11 March 2011

1 Year Anniversary!

Today the Young Monarchist blog celebrates its first anniversary! It has been exactly twelve months since, on that fateful day, I wrote the post about annoyingly politically correct people who focus on "-isms" way too much.
I think this is a great time to reiterate the aims behind this blog's existence and the values it is means to portray:
1. Freedom for all - The peoples of this world need to throw off the yolk of state-slavery and gain the ability to determine who they really are and want to be.
2. Personal responsibility - This might seem like a very conservative value, but it is crucial. We need to learn self-reliance in order for individualism to prevail against the collective.
3. Honor in life - Honor is the highest value a man can espouse. It entails honesty, integrity, and truthfulness to one's ideals. In today's culture and world it has all but disappeared. Honor is something forgotten which needs to be revived.
4. Perseverance and unity - Libertarians, Anarchists, and other peoples who condemn aggression as the highest evil (such as Pacifists and many Christians or Individualists) everywhere need to unite their efforts in combating the evil regimes and show our respect for one another, if not because of our moral disagreements, at least because of our shared goal.
5. And last but not least - just plain pointing out the faults of the current evil system. Showing its inconsistencies, its absurdities, its lies, and its inefficiencies...

And make no mistakes about it: If we work together and spread the word, we will achieve our goal. It is not beyond the power of humanity to throw off our shackles.

As always I want to make sure everyone participates in this effort (perseverance and unity!), so if anyone has any comments, questions, or wants me to discuss a certain topic - feel free to drop me an email or leave a message!

During our struggle we must never lose sight of our humanity and togetherness. Because as was written in the Psalms: "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"

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