Wednesday, 27 April 2011

What are Communist States?

I recently read a short blog post by a good friend and fellow libertarian (can be found here) about Communist States. Now let me just say that any anti-Communist and anti-Socialist rhetoric is greatly appreciated, but I have to do a bit of clearing up here. The term "Communist State" is actually a misnomer and if we, the liberals and libertarians, can clear it up for everyone, I believe we will be much more successful in converting others to our cause. So what is the problem with this phrase? I mean, hasn't everyone been using it for decades? Yes, but they have been using it erroneously. There can never be such a thing as a Communist State by definition, because Communism is a stateless ideology. Now this may sound like I am exonerating Communism - this could not be further from the truth. I consider Communism to be collectivist, deadly, and most importantly of all - unnatural. What we have to start speaking about are SOCIALIST STATES. Marx's point (a very stupid and ridiculous claim on the face of it) was that Communism will come only after the state withers away. This process could take hundreds of years. We had live under the dictatorship of the proletariat (i.e. in a totalitarian collectivist socialist state) until all people who bear the birthmark of capitalism are dead. Communism was only good for the "new socialist man of tomorrow". Modern man could not live under Communism, that much Marx was correct about. So let me say here again for emphasis: States like the Soviet Union or modern Cuba are Socialist States, not Communist States. The concept of Communism in itself is not bad, just Utopian. It is impossible. And trying actively to achieve it can only lead to mass murder and death of billions.
Now why should we argue this way? Most people would actually say that labeling certain states "communist" is a good strategy because communism is still such a hated ideology in the West. But think of it this way: Is it a good idea to call someone a murderer just because you personally don't like them and want others not to like them also? Of course not. This is the kind of emotional rhetoric militant NeoConservatives engage in. It is disturbing and irrational. Also there is another problem with it. If we label communism and communist states as evil, we open the field for socialists of all kinds to proclaim their ideology as good. After all they can say: "Hey, communism was bad back in Russia, but socialism is good, look at Sweden". This is why we must let people know that the Soviet Union was in fact socialist. Socialists of every kind, even social-democrats, are actually in line with the Soviet Leninists. They are Marxist Utopians and must be perceived and treated as such.

The problem of socialists and communists was never their sincerity or their morality, rather it was their religious ignorance of the world around them. They continued plowing through the masses with their ideology, killing millions, without regard for how life works. I have written multiple times that I myself am a Utopian to some extent - every Spencerian Social Darwinist is. But there are many kinds of Utopianism, one that sees a world as it is, and another (the leftist) which does not see the world at all. As Vladimir Ulyanov (Comrade Lenin) himself wrote: "man’s consciousness not only reflects the objective world, but creates it". Such men as him are not born monsters, it is the cruel and twisted logic of socialism that makes them into mass murdering beasts...

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