Wednesday, 14 September 2011

I agree with Jacek Rostowski, FOR ONCE!

In a recent speech in the European Parliament the Polish Finance Minister, Mr. Jan Vincent-Rostowski (aka. Jacek Rostowski), said that an upheaval in the Eurozone meant that war might occur 'within 10 years' and that he was seriously considering getting his children an American Green Card because of this. I have always said that a global economic crisis can lead to two options: global intellectual sobriety and deregulation or, most likely, nationalism and war. This (nationalism and war) is what happened after the 1930's depression, so there is no historical reason to suspect otherwise. Mr. Rostowski is actually considering that the Euro has a future, which is a highly doubtful concept to me. The US Dollar, of course, is much more likely to collapse soon, but the Euro is sure to follow. The Euro has a chance right now to shape up - the politicians could (if they wanted to) make the Euro a non-inflationary currency. It is still possible to link this currency to gold or silver, though it would take substantial reserves to achieve this. Europe is on the brink. We will either go the Adolf Hitler way (creating a union which is despotic and dependant on internal subsidies to industry, via Germany of course) or the free way. The freedom way allows for deregulation, localism, and economic freedom.
Seeing as the next speaker of the European Parliament is meant to be the Leninist Martin Schulz, I don't see the future in flowery colours. Rather, like Mr. Rostowski, I see a horrible scene of mass crime, revolution, and warfare. I don't know about all the readers of this blog, but I, myself, will be applying for British citizenship within this year (Britain is the only sane country to have stayed out the of the Eurozone and they still sport a fairly liberal democratic government - led by good neo-liberals like Mr. David Cameron).

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