Friday, 30 September 2011

"Masculism - I stand for Men's Rights!"

Why do feminists always get all the attention? Are women being treated worse than men? In my very first post on this blog, back in March last year, I pointed out that as a man, I am much more likely to favour women ahead of men (even when they are not quite equally able). The whole idea of pseudo-rights of groups is laughable. It is collectivist and rejects individualism and human rights. In my opinion, as in that of any principled libertarian, all human beings on this Earth have the same rights - to life, liberty, and property. We are all equal in that philosophical and real regard.
What people don't seem to understand is that radicalising yourself leads to your own opposition becoming more radical as well. For example, after years of anti-Muslim fighting in Afghanistan by the Soviet Union and other secular powers, the Taliban was born. Out of the US support for radical Israeli Zionism, Al-Quaeda was born. Simple cause and effect. This is why feminism has created an entirely opposite and, in my opinion, more logical ideology - Masculism. Masculism is the advocation of Men's Rights, which are being attacked due to too much effort to promote Women's Rights. Now let me just say, I don't think there are such things as Men's or Women's Rights. We are all equal. But due to my opposition to radical feminism, which seems to permeate today's society (although not really the society, mainly just the government and intellectual classes), I decided to pay close attention to this new Masculist movememnt, to which I can at least to some extent relate. As I said - this is to you, feminists! - cause and effect.
So here are some postulates of Masculists:
- Father's Rights: Women get custody of children after divorce far more often then men, who are stuck not having children and paying alimony. Also, women have a right to just simply decide not to become a parent of be responsible for a child (via abortion) and men have no such rights. They essentially have no 'reproductive rights' at all.
- Discrimination: All violent crimes, especially when it comes to domestic violence, are much more strictly enforced against men than against women. Women get off with light sentences for most crimes as compared to men. Also, there are often incidents where police simply do not respond to domestic violence incidents where men are the victims. And, I might add, during wartime, isn't the general principle to let the women and children live?
- Living conditions: Men are expected to work harder, often the retirement age for men is higher despite lower life expectancy. Men pay the same premiums for old age benefits despite the fact they have much lower life expectancies.
There are also numerous other issues which masculists take up which are readily available for investigation on the internet. All these issues also seem to be pretty well backed by statistics as well as deductive proofs - something the feminist movement has always lacked.
All the discourse above is, of course, strictly academic. Masculism is for me a doctrine a little bit more consistent than feminism, but I find both equally laughable. Once again, for the second time on this blog, I find myself agreeing with Sarah Grimké who said "I know nothing of man's rights, or woman's rights, human rights are all that I recognise". Amen to that, sister!

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