Friday, 2 September 2011

Why do people love the 'Police State'? (especially in Poland)

I was born in 1990, a year after Communism in Poland was ended and organizations such as the 'Milicja' (Military Police) and the ZOMO (Motorized Reserves of the Citizens' Militia - the even more violent anti-riot squads of the 'Milicja') were disbanded. This was hailed as a great triumph. The people were now free of the aggressive military state and this was probably the biggest achievement of the whole collapse of communism according to most people (well, maybe second only to establishing democracy, which we all know was a failure rather than a victory). All countries which are referred to as 'Police States', such as former communist regimes, were characterized by no respect for private property rights, freedom of expression and speech, and the right to life. People were shot left and right (or, if they were lucky, they were just tortured and sent to labour camps) just for protesting against the regime.
Today I saw a news article about a 45 year old criminal who was shot dead by a police officer in Łodz, Poland. The police started chasing the man after another man, who was a victim of a beating, pointed him out to the officers as the perpetrator of the crime. According to the police officer in question, the man who he chased suddenly attacked him and struggled with him, causing the officer to accidentally shoot him with his gun (mortally wounding him). Now as we know from experience, the police lie about 99% of the situations they are involved in. Just this week I was approached by a police officer in Warsaw, Poland who told me I was 'looking suspicious' and searched me for drugs. Apparently this was because I happen to have long hair. Also, when I tried to protest, he told me to shut up and called me the Polish equivalent to the word 'fag' (because apparently, according to him, all people with long hair are gay drug addicts). The incident didn't end there, by the way, I had a very unpleasant night after that being put through all kinds of procedures and released only the next day. All these incidents become even more worrying when you look at the online forum comments below the article about the man who was shot dead. Around 70-80% of the comments say that the police officer should be given a medal and that more criminals need to be shot on sight instead of simply being arrested if they resist. Now for all we know this man wasn't even the perpetrator of the crime (he didn't get a trial in lawful court) and the police officer might have been lying about the man attacking him. Complimenting the police on a job well done is hardly the proper response here!
So why do people feel it necessary to condone such police atrocities? In my opinion it is because they have two choices - be on the side of the police or the side of the common street criminals. There is no alternative. Therefore they overwhelmingly choose to ignore police brutality. In an Anarcho-Capitalist order we would have many protection agencies and security forces. We could choose among them and eliminate the brutal ones. But in the world of Statism we can only choose between evils - there is no choice of good.
Competition in law enforcement, as in any other region of the economy, would bring about a swift end to abuse and exploitation. Only the Anarcho-Capitalist (and therefore a Anarcho-Monarchist) social order can provide us with the opportunity to choose.
As Edmund Burke wrote: "Whenever a separation is made between liberty and justice, neither, in my opinion, is safe". This is because the end of justice in simply and only the defense of our rights and, what follows from that, the preservation of our liberties.

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