Friday, 10 December 2010

"Bush Tax Cuts"

I have heard some crazy statements made about the tax cuts which were instituted by Congress under President Bush. I want to clear up some of the confusion around this policy.
First of all there have been allegation that, quote: "Keeping the Bush tax cuts in place will increase the deficit by" and here people throw around a random figure of between $3.5 and $4 trillion. In what universe and with what logic does a statement like this make sense? Let's use an analogy. If I have a barrel of water and a constant stream or water pouring into it, it would overflow. However, the barrel has a giant hole in the bottom which keeps water flowing out very quickly. Now - if I make the inflow of water less, is the barrel going to be emptier because I did so? Yes. But is the cause of the barrel being emptier the water inflow? No! The cause is the outflow. People who receive tax cuts are not robbing the government, it is precisely the opposite - the government is stealing less of their property. It is the government spending that is increasing the deficit, not the people not paying more in taxes.
Secondly a bunch of lefties have been saying that the tax cuts "increase inequality" because now "rich folks" pay less money into the common pot. Well let me say that rich people already pay most of the taxes. In fact, the richest 10% of the population pays 71% of the income taxes. How is it fair that working or lower-middle class people steal money from richer people? But when have the Commies ever recognized people's right to their own earnings? I might add Marx based his whole theory on the fact that people do not get paid for their labour in a just way, the capitalists take some of it away. Well why is it more right for the government to take it away than the capitalist? Somehow I never get an answer to this question.
Also there are those people who say tax cuts will slow economic recovery! Curiously, those people are either from the government, or related to the government. We all know their type of genius - Timothy Geithner for example. If anybody still trusts these bozos, good luck to them! I prefer to follow good old logic, which tells us that if people keep and save money, the economic recovery will happen faster. In fact without the government taxing and monetary policy there would be no crisis, so let's just keep the guys who caused the problem out of deciding what our solution should be.

As Daniel Webster said: "An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy."
So should we limit it (through tax cuts at least!) or not?

1 comment:

  1. Bro, as always fighting stupidity, good job!!!

    "The tax cuts "increase inequality" because now "rich folks" pay less money into the common pot." - WTF, who is able to say such BS???
